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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Sound of Silence; Johah (Fear and Trembling)

In our times it is wise to consider the spirit that has for thousands of years promised Love is the Law; Love under Will, true will is thy will is thee Father; and ye where told, but yea still build your castles of sand, your poor corralled in cheap and dangerous areas, flood zones are not accidental, as human suffering is weighed against the money games... but we bare war ning. As one whose patron saint is Job, St. Stephen, hold up his light and offers these words, read so often, will they ever be read/written across our hearts? Fire branding them in our mind; feeling becomes a rational action of Love... this purpose of movement a joy... and yet can you not see? why be blind to the horror of the times, the suffering, the hell that one must know to understand... on the Cross forsaken, bleak and ever so hopeful; material more than a materialist can have faith, you can tell a storm is coming from the radar/barometers you have read out on your computer screen, but perhaps an Bible lesson can help you with:
Interpreting the Time
(Mark 8:11-13; Luke 12:54-56)
1When the Pharisees and Sadducees arrived, as a test they asked Jesus[a] to show them a sign from heaven. 2He replied to them, “You say,
      ‘Red sky at night,
 what a delight!
3      Red sky in the morning,
cloudy and storming.’
You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, yet you can't interpret the signs of the times?[b] 4An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Then he left them and went away. [from:]

but Jonah might be problematic, how shall we read this story, traditional reading can be a guide, but we are left on our own to determine, we have this page to offer, for some interesting readings:  
and also where the image of Jonah was taken from...  

Judas the Gallilean: from which to reveal


Leader of a popular revolt against the Romans at the time when the first census was taken in Judea, in which revolt he perished and his followers were dispersed (Acts v. 37); born at Gamala in Gaulonitis (Josephus, "Ant." xviii. 1, § 1). In the year 6 or 7 C.E., when Quirinus came into Judea to take an account of the substance of the Jews, Judas, together with Zadok, a Pharisee, headed a large number of Zealots and offered strenuous resistance (ib. xviii. 1, § 6; xx. 5, § 2; idem, "B. J." ii. 8, § 1). Judas proclaimed the Jewish state as a republic recognizing God alone as king and ruler and His laws as supreme. The revolt continued to spread, and in some places serious conflicts ensued. Even after Judas had perished, his spirit continued to animate his followers. Two of his sons, Jacob and Simon, were crucified by Tiberius Alexander ("Ant." xx. 5, § 2); another son, Menahem, became the leader of the Sicarii and for a time had much power; he was finally slain by the high-priestly party ("B. J." ii. 17, §§ 8-9).
Grätz ("Gesch." iii. 251) and Schürer ("Gesch." i. 486) identify Judas the Galilean with Judas, son of Hezekiah the Zealot, who, according to Josephus ("Ant." xvii. 10, § 5; "B. J." ii. 4, § 1), led a revolt in the time of Quintilius Varus. He took possession of the arsenal of Sepphoris, armed hisfollowers, who were in great numbers, and soon became the terror of the Romans.
  • Grätz, Gesch. 3d ed., iii. 260, 364;
  • Schürer, Gesch. 3d ed., i. 420, passim.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Apocalypse and Jihad: an inital thought

We being with a prayer:
We are but no one; but a particular without a name, and for a name we take Job; as your faithful servant; a clay figure brought to life; your hands that are our world-life. Amen.

It has come to us that we shall no longer take the Apocalypse to be an external sign, as progressive history, as a yet site of a yet to come. We shall not take it to be or mean the end of history, the heaven on earth as such for all eternity (but we cannot yet discount this last statement, we may only bracket it away for now). Man does not know the time of the coming of the Lord. We do not know that day that marks for us the end; we shall not be magi looking to the sky for our signs. We reject all talk of a future date, be it 2012 or 2023. We instead embrace, first in thoughtful contemplation, and then in action that must ensue, the notion that the Apocalypse is an internal revolution, a process of struggle of being more of what we are; of moving towards our perfection (from passion to reason) as Spinoza suggests in Ethics. We take the Apocalypse as an internal struggle against internal and external forces, it is a personal, particular struggle, a tarrying with the supposed universal of history which represent the evils of the world; that which hinder or pulls apart our Catholic unity. While the document of St. John is historical, and much of it is past accounts; for it to have value now, and increasingly so, we have been inspired to take a literary approach, as a system of enlightenment (perhaps); for greater understanding of revelation. As a process we see it a kind to what Islamic folk call Jihad (not as external war, but as discipline and strife from the inside out). We will be taking this view as we being to re-examine the work attributed to St. John. For many the last book of the Bible. Amen.

God Wants You To Stand Up! Can I Get an Amen!

The Lord wants you to be strong, healthy, and wise; prosperous in his way, not the ways of man. He wants you to use your talents, to grow your wings, to be divine as he made thee. Man, man for money, for base desires, man of earth, will willingly destroy the good, because they have not been reborn in the living waters; they deny the endless bounty that is the gift of the Lord. They have not drunken the wine from the new vine of our lord, shed for us that we may transcend our sin, and unite as one Catholic body of Christ. Can I get an Amen?!

We, you and I, we can shine now and be that beacon; the way for the way to come, quickening the time between now and our judgment; that we may be rewarded now in our steadfast commitment to carry on the Lord's work. He said unto you, that as he has done ye shall do and also greater. The Lord doth not lie?! Well then something is wrong, and it is wrong with us.

We do not yet have the small but steadfast faith of the mustered seed. We are not living up to what God has intended, to that which he would have us bound to for our sakes and his Glory. But NO! No, we choose otherwise. We choose to turn away and toward defeat. No longer shall I walk among men as if thing have not change; that the Lord of Hosts may fill me with the presence of the lord that through our union as Christians we will bring Heaven unto to thee Earth. Amen,