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Thursday, November 3, 2011

God Wants You To Stand Up! Can I Get an Amen!

The Lord wants you to be strong, healthy, and wise; prosperous in his way, not the ways of man. He wants you to use your talents, to grow your wings, to be divine as he made thee. Man, man for money, for base desires, man of earth, will willingly destroy the good, because they have not been reborn in the living waters; they deny the endless bounty that is the gift of the Lord. They have not drunken the wine from the new vine of our lord, shed for us that we may transcend our sin, and unite as one Catholic body of Christ. Can I get an Amen?!

We, you and I, we can shine now and be that beacon; the way for the way to come, quickening the time between now and our judgment; that we may be rewarded now in our steadfast commitment to carry on the Lord's work. He said unto you, that as he has done ye shall do and also greater. The Lord doth not lie?! Well then something is wrong, and it is wrong with us.

We do not yet have the small but steadfast faith of the mustered seed. We are not living up to what God has intended, to that which he would have us bound to for our sakes and his Glory. But NO! No, we choose otherwise. We choose to turn away and toward defeat. No longer shall I walk among men as if thing have not change; that the Lord of Hosts may fill me with the presence of the lord that through our union as Christians we will bring Heaven unto to thee Earth. Amen,

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